Rainman Portable Fresh Water Maker

For those who like to live out on the sea, or are temporarily out on ships or submarines, there is a need for fresh water. Sometimes there will be moments where a ship or submarine won’t be able to make it to the marina to refresh their water supply and need access to fresh water. For those who are looking for a solution to this dilemma, consider a Rainman water desalinator.

What is a Rainman water desalinator?

A Rainman water desalinator is a portable machine that extracts salts and minerals from water. What the Rainman does is extract the salts and minerals in order to make the water suitable for human consumption. The simplest way to define what a Rainman is that it is a portable generator that produces fresh water.

What are the benefits of owning a Rainman?


The Rainman is convenient to use because it can be easily carried and transferred anywhere (i.e. from car to boat). However for those who wish to have the Rainman installed can also have the option of doing so.

Low Maintenance

The Rainman is a simple designed unit that requires no invasive installation. As a result, this eliminates the use of electronics and control systems making it autonomous. The creators of Rainman intended this design to be all about being versatile and easy use.


The Rainman was created with the purpose of being compatible with top tier suppliers. This will allow the Rainman to be taken into even the most remote corners of the world. This compatibility allowed for components of the system to be easily found if needed.

Cost Effective

The Rainman water desalinator is one of the most affordable water desalinators in comparison to their competitors (who usually require a higher maintenance installation and more power usage).

The Rainman water desalinator boasts many benefits: portability, low maintenance, and affordable pricing. The result of this is clean fresh water to use for showering, cleaning, eating and drinking. In addition to that, the Rainman has helped remote areas during times of drought by providing fresh water to those in need. The Rainman guarantees high quality fresh, drinking water at an affordable price.

Rainman Product List